ros rosencrantz. we don't have a position on the lower but we are worried that the state is going to go forward with a plan to put more water down the river and the commission will not be prepared. barry nelson referred to a list of program that have been implemented in the last 20 years, it was 20 years. this is five years old. i sent it to you five years ago. it has 19 different programs, many which were implemented by either metropolitan water district of southern california or member agencies or santa clara and its agencies, those were to some degree in response to increasing environmental requirements like you are face anything the water control plan which limited exports in the delta, and then in 2006 and 2007 the dangerous species requirements kicked in. there was no warning for those. this has been in play for about six years proposed to be implemented in another four years. i would agree with barry nelson that the list is more expansive than what mr. richy put forward. water temperatures has