i strongly, strongly support congresswoman rosa delauro's will, senator tom harkin still.e need to get that. because it will change how we respond to this game is. we need a range of tools. i was giving a talk at google and i went into the cafeteria. and it was striking. in front of food, i mean each food, is either a red, yellow, or green sign and it is writing her face and i will tell you it has a real effect. the red means eat it in small amounts foretaste, yellow ebay moderate amount, green you can have as much as you want. i was in charge of regulating food and i will tell you still, it had a major effect on the. we have to change how we perceive the stem is. we to have greater disclosure. we have to change, i mean, we don't stop with just menu labeling. what served in the schools, vending machines, i mean, parents, it is so harder to try as hard as you can and you send your kids with school and they are being stimulated with fat, sugar and salt. they have to change. how we regulate advertising. we have to make progress. menu labeling is a key step in changing how we