people, also lake rosalie and holly as i call them, who were hungry -- actually hungry during the course of her workday. and i must say, with a middle-class blinkers on, for a long time i thought there were just dieting and that's what they were eating lunch and i had to really eventually deduce that they just not have the money or the food at home for lunch. or people like george, a 19-year-old immigrant from the czech republic worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant in return for the job at night to a dormitory, where he slept in a bed that had just been vacated another man is left during the switch while he was working, something i can only happen in an 18th century. so they're not a lot of polemics in this book. but there is a message i hope. and none is that there is something really wrong. something very fundamentally wrong when people can work so hard, full-time, year-round, and never make enough to live on at any kind of content or dignity. so let me start here intern to questions or comments. what she. where are they? okay, yeah. i can skip the ones i don't know the answer to. th