has regions and recognize its annexation of the crimean peninsula. ukrainian president avalon, rosalind gower says he has not seen or heard about the document. and earlier did of you correspondent and russia analysts to constantine edgar 2 is tracking development. so from the lithuanian capital villainous, i asked him what we know about the list of russian demands. luckily, we don't know anything about any new proposals. oh boy, the reservation and it's not clear what your score was talking about and whether it is really talking about something real. well, i suppose that, oh, well let's food like that. who he is a good number. go to the truth to user 19 acres expression on the feature thatcher arrow to actually believe. so we've got no information, no details of the contents of this a draft document. so that begs the question, is this a sincere attempt by moscow? well, i think that the coincidence between the renewed russian offensive against degrading forces in the east and specifically last of all, near mario ball and the appear for fiscal is well, quite, quite, sort of the, most of this, i