welcome back to the program, rosalind helderman. first tell us what would you say the main findings of this report are? >> so this was a report that looked at e-mail use by the past five secretaries of state, and it concludes that there have been systemic problems in how the state department has gone about preserving public records over the course of the tenures of multiple secretaries of state state. however, it was particularly critical of hillary clinton and her use of private e-mail. it said, for instance, that, that use did, in fact, violate department policies that were put in place to ensure compliance with the federal records act, public records laws. >> woodruff: and does it say that the rules, the guidelines were clear, should have been clear to secretary clinton and the people around her? >> one of the big takeaways of the report was that the guidelines had been not as clear as they should be going back over a number of years, and that in fact the guidelines and training on those guidelines have not kept up with the way t