rosalind jones' son was only two when he swallowed an entire bottle of gummy vitamins.jones called poison control and immediately got help for her son...who is alive and well today. are some important reminders to prevent getting poisoned.-keep all drugs in medicine cabinets that children cannot reach.-never leave children alone with cleaning products or drugs. -and never share or sell prescription drugs. when in doubt - call 1-800-222- connects you to a poison control can get immediate answers if you believe you or someone you know were just poisoned. much more to come on 9 on your side at's anchor tanya o'rourke with what we're working on. coming up next on nine on your side at 5:30... and friends mourn the loss of a young fell to her death.we're speaking with those who knew katie stewart.hear how she was able to touch so many lives in such a short life span. and buttler county is trying to mkae it easier for you to reach 9-1-1 dispatchers. see the new way you can get emergency crews to your this evening friends and family are grievi