d dot is speer.g with its new toll booths, nine of them between the belt way and rosalynn, as you can see, some drivers are saying what the heck is going on, these things are flashing, it is basically a test of the system light of this toll plaza when cars have activated their easy g they have two or more people in their car. the flashing light will eventually let law enforcement know that that car should have two or more people inside of it, and if it doesn't, they could be pursued and ticketed. the hot lanes, which will go into effect early december, between the belt way and rosalynn, will allow you to use the hov lanes for a fee if you're in your car alone. the amount of the tolls will rise and fall depending on traffic at the time. the hot lanes will go into effect from 5:30 to 9:30 a.m. eastbound, and then westbound from 3:00 to 7:00 in the afternoon. it will no longer and free ride if you have a hybrid car. basically, this is part of an overall he can pan sean project, as v dot, northern virginia, transportation officials, widen and add hot to gainesville. it is too ease congest