with me are the new statesman‘s special correspondent, stephen bush, and rosamund urwin, the financialimes. welcome to you both, thank you for stepping in at a quarter past ten. many of tomorrow's front pages are already in. the ft leads with more on pressure placed on facebook to explain allegations that data from millions of its users helped president trump win the us election. it denies any wrongdoing. the express says premier league clubs could be affected by a crackdown on russian oligarchs as the diplomatic row between russia and britain continues over the salisbury nerve agent attack. the metro has more on the foreign secretary's rejection of claims made by russia that the chemical used to poison sergei and yulia skripal was made in the uk. and the independent also has that story. it says borisjohnson has instead accused russia of actually stockpiling the novichok nerve agent thought to have been used in salisbury. there is no end in sight, is there? there is no end in sight, is there? there is no end in sight, is there? there is a nice detail in this story that in moscow stores