president obama writes, quote, i was inspired to read about unsung american heroes like rosanell eaton. i am where i am today because men and women like rosanell refused to accept anything less than a full measure of equality. their efforts made our country a better place. it's now up to us to continue those efforts. congress must restore the voting rights act. 94-year-old rosanell eaton has been fighting for the right to vote since the 1930s. and she's still involved today, challenging voter suppression laws in north carolina. i had the honor of speaking with miss eaton on "politicsnation" last year. >> decades after jim crow, could you have ever imagined fighting for the right to vote again, after all these years? >> no, i can't imagine that i've got to go through the same thing that i went through 80 years ago. at least 75. i can't imagine going through that again. but i am going through it. and it's actually worse than it was then. >> civil rights are still a huge issue in the country today. just as they were in watts 50 years ago. mora that ahead. i'm ready to crack like nobody's