mckeon, and ranking member smith, as well as my chairman, roscoe bartlett, for the inclusive work that was done in this legislation. it is important to note that what this bill does not include during conversation negotiations unnecessary provisions limiting the work of military chaplains were dropped. now the bill will allow the repeal of don't-ask, don't-tell to proceed so that troops who defend our values will have protections that they have fought to defend. working with the white house our committee achieved a final compromise on detainees that does not grant broad new authority for the detention of u.s. citizens and does not establish a new authority for indefinite detention of terrorists. the bill strikes a reasonable balance between protecting our nation from terrorists like those who attacked our nation on september 11, and protecting our american values. it demonstrates that we do not need to sacrifice our civil liberties to be safe. finally, i urge members to support this legislation because it also includes a pay raise for our troops and provides funds for the care needed t