roscoe conkling was a vain man, very handsome, addressed to the nines.tted about in a way that made other members uncomfortable. and he never particularly had a good word for anyone. james g. blaine was not afraid to take on anybody. they debated in 1866 and he launched into one of the most savage attacks on another member of congress. under the rules today, you really cannot attack another member that way. it was full of sarcasm and allusions to the hyperion parole that roscoe had and to the turkey gobbler strut. it was terrific. it gave tremendous amounts of ammunition to the political cartoonist. from then on, they always making for all roscoe into a turkey. >> the senate historian don richey. what you're seeing here in the blaine house and a caustic, maine. -- in augusta, maine. the house is still very much in use. as we look at the characterization there, you think politicians are colorful today, but turkey gobbler struck. how do these stories get passed along to us? >> the press was very lively in those days. the way in which the information was tr