. >> to catch roseann lewandowski in the act, she puts a hidden camera on the kitchen shelf. in the room, 59-year-old roseann lewandowski reaches for a bank bag on the kitchen table and grabs the money. the former school board president shoves the bills into her bra. moments later, after checking to see if the coast is clear, lewandowski is at it again, stealing funds meant for local little league baseball teams. for the second time, she hides the cash underneath her blouse. >> to have her arrested was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life. >> she faces charges of misdemeanor theft. according to the complaint, lewandowski stole $60 from the wallet of her friend, $50 more on another occasion and $880 from the franklin little league. lewandowski admits she stole, but under a plea agreement, the charges are dropped after she returns all the money, immediately restoring the funds, but not her reputation. a happy ending for small town little leaguers. >>> but sometimes hidden cameras capture much more violent behavior. in our next video, a parent's worst nightmare. disturbin