roseman can answer any questions you have. as i conclude my report this morning, i want to thank you for your -- excuse me -- i want to thank you for your years of leadership and support as i transition to a new opportunity. as i reported to you last month, i have accepted a new position effective this september. this was a difficult decision as my time in the tjpa and my work with each one of you have been extremely rewarding. i'm very grateful to tjpa for providing me with the privilege to serve for the last four years. we have successfully accomplished a great deal together, including completing and opening a world class transit center, transforming a neighborhood, and making bold steps forward as we begin to deliver phase 2 of the transit program to the bay area, making reasonable and high-speed rail a reality in downtown san francisco. i am committed to working closely with chair sesay and vice chair gee in a transition plan to ensure transition to the center and to continue smoothly. thank you very much, directors. this