closer look at voter turnout, democratic pollster and hit strategies co—founder and partner, roshni nedungadit now in people who are going out to early vote. we're seeing younger voters, people of colour, women, white women in the suburbs going out to early vote right now all around the country. and all of these groups of people are favouring joe biden in their polling. we recently conducted a poll of black voters nationwide and 43% had already voted. and of those people who had already voted, 88% said that they would supportjoe biden versus only 3% who said they would support donald trump. the interesting thing i suppose, the interesting question perhaps unknowable, is that are these voters people who would have voted on the day anyway, or are they new, extra voters who wouldn't have voted on the day so could actually make a significant difference? yeah, that's a question that i'm not sure we will quite know the answer to but what we do know is that we're seeing large groups of new voters who didn't vote in 2016. about 25% of voters who have already voted in both florida and arizona — florid