rosicky plays the ball towards giroud. team goal against norwich, of course, back in october. from ramsey, can't be too far off the top four or five. >> tettey, snodgrass, bradley johnson. martin, johnson, martin once again. redmond. tackled by podolski but it will be a norwich throw. we'll see the two changes now with norwich. first someone a change with johann elmander going off and it could be his fare well to the norwich fans at the end of his loan year. maybe one lead goal scored, three goals in total. he's been replaced here by gary hooper. second change, alexander tettey departs and a norwich debut, the young striker just 19 years of age, a young man who won ifau cup last year. that's what the norwich fans want to see now. the young guns given their chance. .za. . a straight away. norwich beat which he will any the fau cup final last year. chelsea won this year beating fuller. one of several players on that norwich team hankering for action now. you mentioned the first half and a few people this year, josh murphy on