often when you slice a steak, the outside is brown, you see a layer of gray meat, and then the inside is rosy> that is beautiful. that is not too rare for you? >> no. >> you would cringe if i told you i ate my meat well done, right? >> you would have less benefit from this technique if it is cooked beyond recognition. >> for his french fries, nathan found this machine designed for blasting dirt particles from fine jewelry. >> put it in for just a moment. feel that tingling? >> i do. >> it starts tearing the potato up. and the more it tears the potato up, the crispier the french fry gets. you won't find any burger joint that has these fries, but maybe some day you will. >> now the moment of truth. >> wow. those french fries are great. really, really, really good. >> in case you couldn't tell, nathan isn't a newcomer to this field. during his tenure at microsoft, he worked nights as a chef. >> have you always been into cooking? >> when i was nine years old, i told my mother i was going to cook thanksgiving dinner and she couldn't come in the kitchen at all. i got cook books and i did it. i do a