things he pays for is what is known as the pace ship -- peace ship, with a jewish woman named rosita shumerd the ship is supposed to sail around and promote peace during world war i. many people ridicule the peace ship and ridiculed the pacifism it was promoting. some would argue later one of the problems with her was going to move from her to generalize about all jews. certainly ford was unhappy about the bad publicity he received connected with the peace ship and all that went with it. the reason ford was worried about the bad publicity was actually pr, public relations, was absolutely central to the success of henry ford and he was one of the very early people to understand how important public relations was. and some of his public relations activities are very famous. so, for example in 1914, he he distributes -- he announces and then he does it -- that he is going to distribute profits to workers, people who worked at ford motor company. they got the unheard of sum of five dollars a day. the public life of henry ford, meaning the public relations aspect of his life was quite significan