. -- canceled, more or less. 20% for rosner. how will the russian sanctions -- rosner f -- rosneft.exican oil spill, what competitions -- consequences will have? the third point, the last thing they said was they intend to $10 billion worth of assets next year. how will this turnout for buybacks? >> bp, the last six months look like this. put oil in their as well. it would look like this. here is a question. how does this move lower -- has this move lower in the bp stock price make them a takeover target? >> they refuse to cut targets. the oil companies will have to look at how they cope with this new situation. it might be as it sells. there might be more m&a going on. violations are lower. >> -- valuations are lower. >> i look at the brent rice right now, just below $66 for barrel. it has been a stunning move. how long does it have to stay at these levels to transform the environment? >> it is an interesting point. it depends on how long the oil prices going to stay at this level. twotays at $66 or $70 for or three months, this is not going to change ongoing big projects, especial