where on the rosreestre website you can see their professional results, the number of registry errorsmber of positive decisions made by engineers. all private traders are not issued licenses, but they are required to be members of the so-called self-regulatory organizations, if the cadastral engineer has not joined a self-regulatory organization or is included in it, then work. he in this case can not documents prepared will be invalid. in addition, the engineer must be insured, he can have both personal insurance and general insurance, a self-regulatory organization. this allows, e, to receive compensation for the losses incurred by the customer. but this is only if there is an official contract, then the cadastral, engineer is obliged to correct his mistakes for free in the contract, we indicate the period of work and the full price. speaking of prices, if they offer significantly less than nightly rates, we don’t trust such a cadastral engineer, most likely it saves on equipment. and measurement accuracy. may be broken they can make a boundary plan, for example, without leaving the