there's the question we give up information if you were a business and say what's in it for ross hauer dewey shares of its great to hear that folks are really thinking about how do we provide value and send information back and figure out a framework that we can work together to make sure that working. the last question for the panel before we take questions from the audience and the google moderator is what do you think in the concrete sense that we can do to really get the word out and involved citizens in the sense that there is of course a criminal element to cybersecurity and the problem as well as small businesses and the impact to buy an expensive computer, maybe you have several if you are a small business person and you can't use them and people are becoming more aware but what is the role for this public facing consumer side of this effort? >> i think one of the chapters, the full chapter of the report was based on both the education but also the public outreach and a public outreach campaign is supposed to educate how important this issue is and one of the things i've seen is that