working conditions within that he will rights organization case in point first off let me call ross mcgregor she was twenty eight when she took her life earlier this summer an intern of amnesty she worked in geneva according to her father she developed health problems because of stress and then committed suicide just a few days of returning home now that happened five weeks after another suicide within the organization this time a veteran i guess you could call him a sixty five year old guy called gator and moto veteran a search had spent thirty years in west africa he was found dead in amnesty's perry office and he left a suicide note in which he described pressure at work and the lack of management support a former employee shared their experience with us. as the former researcher for israel and palestine based in jerusalem i resigned in two thousand and eighteen due to security and safety issues as well as lack of support from management when it came to dealing with the stress i was basically put in danger and my family was put in danger because of the work that i was doing with amnesty b