both theroos anders ayers e hard awork preping sund game--and 're certainl seng lots ofroos pride ross ourrea,...this "united in orange" friday. our team is live--- eping an eye on how broncos fans e preparing for sunday's b game. with grantee---w jns us live fm san frcisc good eveng r a lis- we e less than 48 hours from sunday and kickoff between the broncos and the panthe... and now is the pri time get your hands on some tickets if you n get them. or afford them. anything and everything around the super bowl is ensive but the tickets can be extra icey for fs. we walkearound the streets of san francisco askingolks h excited they a for the game... and if thehad the chance. how much would they be willing to pay for tickets for sunday???? how much would you bwilling to pay for a cket? honestly if they were like 10 i wod prly pay for it t like 4--grand or 35---hundred or whatever iis i cant dohat... good question id probably spend about 3--thousand ah if i cod go prices for the last hour and mbers e on goip... right now... the cheapest i've found from a rtified broke is 27---hundred super code m