neca has a very special bond with rossa na's daughter, joana.gnant at 15 with the first of her four children and her youth suddenly ended as she sought domestic work to make ends meet. miguel, her youngest child, is nearly the same age as joana. but on her maid's wage, owning her own home remains a distant dream for neca. and with the brazilian economy still on its knees after its last recession, now dealt a further blow by the pandemic and the lockdown, maids‘ lives are even more precarious. zeza has received a relief payment from bolsonaro's government but it is barely enough to pay the rent, let alone feed the family. birds chirp every weekend, neca walks to her mother selma's house. she recently had a stroke and requires neca's constant attention. coronavirus has exposed just how insecure the lives of maids like zeza and neca can be. it has also revealed that while the virus can infect anyone, the impact it has on rich and poor is profoundly unequal. birds chirp hello. well, the weather's still fairly quiet out there for the moment, but out