by melissa rossi, a book you won't forget. host: somerset, pa., republican line.od morning, paul. last try for paul. caller: hello, i'm here. thank you, c-span. the program is absolutely fantastic. my thing i would like to speak about is the capt. trade policy and the g-8's recent statement -- the capt. trade -- capt trade -- and an g-8 statement that is so ludicrous. if you want to see what the cap and trade system will do is really cripple the economy. manufacturing is the key to freedom and prosperity. and to do so will cripple this country. the thing i want to talk about his nuclear power. you know, from the world nuclear association, we are so far behind with regard to our understanding of nuclear. i am just astounded that the people who advise president obama had not really pointed out to him the benefits of nuclear and why we needed. as we know, france has 70% -- and even bulgaria, hungary, switzerland, have significant nuclear power plants but i want to review a quote from president obama that really exemplifies the ignorance of this situation. he made a q