rostekhnadzor could take over, probably, it will all be on me look, this would also be an ideal solutionivities, indeed this industry should be regulated very strictly. thank you very much, thank you, our questions were answered by a member of the state duma committee on labor and social politics and veterans' affairs, svetlana bisara, all the best to you, thank you very much, come on, everyone together, everything worked out for me, the costume, the voice, the song, the appearance, let's watch it all together, today at 21:30, oh, novochka , and this is a new employee of my project, it’s wonderful that a new colleague is showing concern, attention, fever, premiere from monday 21:20, come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, okay, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing, well need i remind you that white color symbolizes purity, virtue, joy, apparently these feelings prompted an american car enthusiast to come up with an idea for his collection, in a garage in houston there are 56 cars, well, all of them, as you know, are white, the collection was put up for auction, and