check it out when you take rostovoy; by the way, rostovoy was also near the site of the explosion.o listen to him. yes , but since then something has changed; immediately find a reason to take him out of here. you always have some problems. and you thought about how i would look in his eyes. it doesn’t matter anymore, yul mom, but his opinion about me is important to me. professional. he made himself. i want to be like him, and i completely share his motto with vakai fortuna inn yulechka and believe me, okay, now i know for sure that it was rostov who blew up guramov’s car, yulia he is a dangerous person, that’s why he didn’t let you into his car. now i'll try to distract him. i ’ll call krylov, okay? oh, i guess we came at the wrong time. nah, everything's fine. now let's drink tea. i'll go put the kettle on. i think it was necessary. warn in advance oleg i have evidence guilty, the tall driver and rostova served together in the army. perhaps this is the boss. what are you doing? hello disconnected unavailable, something is wrong. urgently find yulia's phone number for your daught