just letting them stay there, actually helped provide them water and held the water so that the rotesters, the illegal rioters, could get a drink of water. that's the quality of our law enforcement officers. they burned tires and fields, as i said earlier, they damaged cars and bridges, they've harassed residents, tore down fences, they've killed and slaughtered neighbors' cattle and bison and horses. and at least one report where gunshots were fired at the police. by the way, this protest is not about climate. we hear about that, which by the way shouldn't have anything to do with climate. the oil is being produced. now shoot is, how do you transport it? do you transport it in the most environmentally and economical and efficient way in a pipeline? or do you transport it in some less safe, less efficient, less nvironmentally friendly way? the simple fact is -- fact is our nation will not continue to produce and consume oil or will continue to and pipelines are the best way to move that oil. legally permitting infrastructure projects have to be allowed to proceed without the threat of imp