well, i thank you for the opportunity to fill in for admiral roughhead. this new mission area that's coming our way i think in a more deliberate form is important to us. i have been a believer in it for years and i think what we are starting it see here in san francisco is a model of how we can approach our ability to spert our fellow citizens. so thank you very much for the chance to speak to you and with that, sir, i open it up to questions. is that right? (applause). >> okay, sir, we're ready for the panel. >> yeah, if you'll just remain in place, we're going to shift, we'll brin . >> yeah, if you'll just remain in place, we're going to shift, we'll bring the panel up and the person that will be introducing the panel, lewis loeven. i have to tell you, lewis loeven is the person that put all this together. he's worked months for this so i want to thank you publicly, lewis, for this. >> thank you. while the panelists are coming up i'd just like to tell you when general myat and i went down to brief secretary schultz a couple months ago, he invited admira