. >> one of the things we heard from former admiral roughhead earlier this week was the importance of continuing the carrier launch uav and that that program would become even more important as we look at what we need to do in the asia pacific. do you share that view? and how do you see that -- that effecting what we need to do in that part of the world? >> well, i think in general, whether it's launched off a carrier or launched anywhere else, in my particular area, the unmanned vehicles both air and surface and subsurface are a significant part of the future, because any time you can take a man out of the loop, you operate in denied environments much easier, a lot of benefits to it. so to the degree that the uav would be from a carrier, a carrier for me is just a very flexible air field that can operate widely through the theater. i would see huge benefits in being able to operate long range isr, long range strike if necessary from those platforms. >> and general, is this something that would be beneficial to you in the korean theater? >> yes, ma'am, absolutely. >> thank you. thank