i like to acknowledge two of my favorite clients karen strauss and routh bornsteen, the lead couple in the state court challenge to prop 8 and their jen rosry and courage that helped protect the 18 thousand cupping but the california supreme court refused to strike down prop 8 and that took the federal case chris perry will tell you about in-more litigation about social security benefits and immigration and the va benefits are still not finalized. every step forward has been hard one by group efforts sharing personal stories organizing public education, changing laws and changing lives by telling the truth. the respect for marriage act at long last removes the defensive marriage act and repplace with affirmative marriage recognition federally and state to state. it shouldn't be needed and maybe it won't be, but if the supreme court does outrageously erase the constitutional protection for the freedom to marry this law will mitigate the harms. f it doesn't override state laws restricting who can marry in state, congress doesn't have that power, but it can require all states and local go