to these jobs also stress the routt? >> they really didn't because i am just in my nature i'm perfectly comfortable being alone and when you work one of these jobs, although you are around other people you are really sort of alone because the machine is going and doesn't have time for you to goof off and go down to the water cooler and chat with your friends. white-collar world we get around with a lot of that. you work -- you focus for an hour and a half and then you're like i need a break. you walk down the hall to the other guy that works there, you laugh for a few minutes and go back to work. but in these minimum wage jobs that's not part of it. and when you go on break, you go on break with nobody else. so the stress of these jobs also like to see where they would stress people out they didn't stress me out and i also had the sort of perspective of my stress used to be my going to produce this $25,000 tv commercial and it's going to be lousy verses am i going to hit large fries as opposed to medium friars. [laughter