then rova responds to those comments. each one has to say your suggestion for this area, say seat belts here's our response. then the canvas gets all of those comments. from rova back to the canvases, so everyone gets to see the full exchange of information. then a consensus is built around the voluntary standard. it's then sent to antsi. here's how we did it and antsi checks the process and verifies you followed the antsi procedure. when antsi approves it it becomes official and ultimately a book for lack of a better word is published and that becomes a standard by which all of the vehicles subject to that voluntary standard must conform. >> so then it becomes mandatory. >> it's voluntary -- >> what's the difference between mandatory and voluntary? >> it's voluntary in the sense of it's developed by stakeholders, but it's enforceable. mandatory means the cpsc imposes what it thinks is the best approach. and where we are now is at an impasse between a voluntary standard that's brand new that just came out in september 201