. >> reporter: the world's record for non-stop hooping is held by roxann rhoades.he went an incredible 90 hours. you'd think that after just one hour she'd be too pooped to hoop. >> what do you like about ho hooping? >> i love everything. >> it's hard for beginners. but once you get to know it it's really fun. >> reporter: in fact, it's so easy even my mom can do it. so what am i waiting for? >> can you teach me how to hoop? >> okay. let's start with putting one foot in front of the other. and rock forward and back. and when you're ready give it a firm push across your hips. and just like a locomotive forward and back. forward and back. there you go, you got it. yeah. good job. let's do our first trick. we're going to take a look at which way our hoop is going and walk around in a circle following our hoop. but that's not really much of a trick. the trick comes when we lift one foot and spin around. >> reporter: well, if at first you don't succeed, hoop, hoop again. before long i was so into it i was asking stefan for some vocabulary lessons too. >> so current mean