some of the circumstantial evidence pointed to his friend, roy beck. beer bottles in his apartment were the same brand as those found next to virginia russell's body. and the background check revealed beck was addicted to crack cocaine. >> he was a drug addict, and obviously, to feed that dragon, you've got to have a lot of cash. >> prosecutor knox mcmahon thought the beer bottles at beck's apartment and those found at the crime scene were too much of a coincidence, so he decided to take a second look. >> if you look at those beer bottles, there is a born-on date, and there is a code under the born-on date. >> the date was october 22, 1996, followed by the letters "wf." >> "w" is the geographic location, in this case williamsburg, virginia. within williamsburg, virginia, there are multiple lines within the plant and "f" designates which line the bottling took place on. >> but the key piece of the information was the final part of the label, the number 58. at the time, the williamsburg brewery produced 600 cases of beer every 15 minutes, and each of the