roy knippenborg: welcome to the aloe vera plantation in you have here. yeah, it is. we have around 100,000 aloe vera plants here. it's everything-- from plant to product are made here. how is curaloe different from other aloe vera products? curaloe is one of the most pure aloe vera products in the world. so the products contain a really high concentration of aloe vera. tell me a little bit about the history of the aloe vera plant. roy knippenborg: it comes from egypt. so it was used by the pharaohs. but what we also know is that jesus christ, himself, he was embalmed by aloe vera. he was embalmed with aloe vera. yes. [music playing] cut and rip. - that's it. - there it is. roy knippenborg we always pick out the outside leaves because they have the most gel in it. johnny bananas: how many of these do you harvest a day? leonardo vieizo alvez: we do 20,000 on a day. [music playing] after harvesting, we have to wash the plants. it's more on the wrist is what you're saying. it's more so like this. [speaking papiamento] [speaking papiament