you need to go into the community, you need to -- roy t mitchell a linguist, he talks about we need toe this as one of the three most important things in our lives. we need that much dedication so sometimes it can be hard. sometimes kit be a gimmick, so you have to use it wisely. >> is there a hope that these will do more than just peek the interest of people within these cultures but expose these cultures to larger groups. >> sure, but i think something as intimate as a language app will be individual that is part of that culture, there may be a wider market. i do have my piece of bumper sticker wisdom which is a technology won't save language any more than a pot full will solve starvation. but to think that it is the technology, and it is not a technology problem, language preservation, and sustainable them, it's a human problem. and if technology serves the need then yes yeah, it will be a great technology, and useful and kit bring that hope if you are outside the culture, exposure to it, exposure to anything you weren't familiar with, then that can help you save thins. >> true. >>