that's when the trouble starts while as an exhibition featuring all this trouble at london's royal academy of alts. exposed yet imposing the great painter lucian freud put himself to canvas as the embodiment of his own unmistakable style realistic bold unflinching. and new exhibition at london's royal academy of arts assembles a chronology of self-portrait spanning for a delight and career from age 16 to his early eighty's. it's an extraordinary journey through both his process of ageing the development of the artist from a young boy to old man but also you really get under the skin of his practice and how he developed as an artist the changes in his painting the style the technique. by meticulously charting his own image lucian freud places himself in the company of the great masters of self-portrait dhruva rembrandt and bingo. this drawing fred made of himself as a student shows the young artist in shock or is it ecstasy a few years later his 1st major self-portrait fashions him as the great painter he hopes to become. born in 1922 in berlin as the grandson of psychoanalysis pioneer sigmund freu