gene $69.00 the royal naval hospital was closed down veterans of her majesty's navy preferred to spendthat declining years in less splendid surroundings the building became the royal naval college and it sets since then as a training center for naval offices. but back to the problem detailing the degree of luggage you how was it finally solved. visitors will find the onza in the royal observatory at greenwich the puzzle was solved not by a physicist or a ron astronomer but by ordinary common to from southern england john harrison at the age of 22 john harrison build his 1st chronometer he spent 60 years of his life studying how time could be measured precisely his premise was that if a navigator at sea knew the exact time in his home port then from the difference between that time and the time on board ship he could calculate the position of the vessel in degrees latitude and long it cheap. for centuries no one had been able to make a clock that measured the time accurately at sea without being influenced by fluctuations in temperature by humidity well by the ship's motions and that wa