i think a big roybal on that we have is, some of the, some folks think that we have information but weare not sharing, but i can assure you many times we don't have that information either, and nor can we confirm that the information is accurate, and so you do want to put out accurate actionable information. but there is a line where we can't cross when it comes to intelligence, protecting sources and those sorts of things, and i agree with you on what is it that you believe you need in order to be more effective and more efficient and more helpful in this effort of protecting the homeland? and i don't believe you know, i know its owners on the industry and i recognize that and we have spent many days talking about this issue in the past. but it is a huge challenge for the government to share certain information that we are restricted. we can't share that information. so, our hands are tied and as well. but i do believe that after 9/1e law-enforcement and the intelligence community, there has been a greater effort to try to break down those barriers of sharing information. we have the