in the early tenth century the ruling tailless him back that look to feed off to rozzi where in the city he should build a new hospital so a rise he designed experiments he hung up around different locations to see how quickly they rotted and so determined the place with the cleanest air this was typical of a razi you have a problem you design an experiment to find the answer. during the golden age the dissection of human bodies was considered disrespectful but there was one group of people who knew quite a bit about anatomy butches albeit the anatomy of animals rather than humans. well even though this is just the lambs probably human all we can still see quite clearly the different compartments the different chain biz within the heart this isn't something very familiar to his physicians of the medieval age. in the seventeenth century william harvey famously carried out his groundbreaking research into the circulation of blood in the function of the heart but in nineteen twenty four an ancient document was discovered this was a text written by him in the seals the thirteenth century ara