continuing to get the expressions of interest, so the expression of interest is not a requirement to the rpf for the vehicle procurement and the firms that do not submit any of the lines and it may submit a proposal on the date that we expect to get out by the end of this year. we expect to have the rfp out by the end of the year and we don't have the firm schedule, and the authority will issue, the rfp to begin the formal procurement process, and for in firms that submit it, will be given the credential to ask the questions and participate on the one on one, and really give us an opportunity, as cal train, has done and as dave mentioned to fully vet the options for a vehicle, procurement and what the best possible vehicle would be for both state wide service, and service in the integrated corridors in northern california, and southern california, to maximize the operation of the trains, i just want to echo, both brian and daves comments and stress that we are fully committed to working with cal train and working with our partners to land on a solution that works for both commuter and high s