no..3 go backkto 2008. >> smith: rrght.were, had ann3 >> mith: open racc. -> lerer: yeaa. ->> lehrer: tte,,the worst debater on the democratic beggn was a guyynamed barak >> smith: right. ú&&->> smith: joe biden.s a &-hillary clinnon, but by the, then the next debate barakú obamaagot a little bbtter,3 on the third he got a little better. in other worrs, he got better each time here was a ebate. >> smitt: right we forget >> ehher: it, absolutely -ight, you either improve or ú&&-just held steady.rse he's >> smith: hat''shis; his >> ehrer: exactly, yeah, ú&t it matters sse,,it really does matttrr.3 >> lehrer: nn the aagumeet, oh well the quessions are too short, and the annwers are too short and there are ppople creaming and hollering in tte background, i coold do without all of ú&at. >> smith: right. >> ehrer::i agree that you could criticize the mechanics of the debates >> lehrer: but the impact and the importaacc can not be, i don't think, can be uuderemphasized. >> smith: it oocuus to me3 that you are not wrii