. - but assno plans tt resignn & 3 rrpresentaaiie weiner is now par of a long lineeof politiciaass aughtin iess after first trying to deny any fee days foo this admmisson, - but some xpertt ay they knew he wasslyyng all alonn. &&p oel d..smiih is here thhy look for in iars.... andd someeoffthemm yyu might e able to spot n thhse people around you. good porning joel d. good morning -& patricce in hinnsight t & eeeed bvious soomehiig was wwong ith hii deniill... - saying he was hhcced, but not ii was hhm or nnt ii the ppctuues. hhse & wwre hhs woors... but hhs non-verbal communicaaion maa have een evenn mre telling.. - 3 3 33 taking a cueefrrm tth foxx things called miiro- exxpessions... thhy miggt last less thaa a half ii you caa poo any of these picroexppessions sppt any f &pmiiroexpressiinssheee, hile & repreeentative weener was still in denial mmde. 3 "dii yyu send thht picturr tt &pthat collegg student in -&pdoesn'' knowwme nd certainly don't know her. itt make fun oo myynnmee when you'rr ameddweener that - somm oddtwwtter ollowers, 3 this seems likk a prank that's 3&pattentioo. 3 &p a