rs andeers and captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh that's it for "the dee, dee, dee, dee! sweet dee, sweet dee, sweet dee, sweet dee! hey! sweet dee, sweet dee, sweet dee, sweet dee! - what?! - hey! - hey... - what the hell is this? oh, yeah. uh-oh. and so it begins. what are you talking about? i got a cat, so what? congratulations, dee. you've begun your transformation into "crazy cat lady." i didn't begin a transformation. i just got a cat 'cause i wanted something to hang out with. i don't have, you know, a roommate or anything. i don't really have anyone to talk to, so i... if you listen to yourself, you would realize you're only strengthening our argument. okay, what do you want? we need a big bowl for popcorn. - yeah! - mac and dennis movie night! tuesday night's movie night! we're doing predator again. you guys don't have a bowl? uh, we don't have a big one, no.