the very recent publicized attacks against rsa were the key seeds for the technology was stolen. the attacks on google. the attacks published just this week against u.s. defense interests. were initiated from users like you. ok? humans like you to click on a url, an attachment in e-mail, and let the bad guys in. for most of the enterprise world, the public cloud is nothing more than a menace. yet, we see it's clear benefits. we see its enormous cost advantages. we see all these wonderful things that tin told you about. so the challenge is to try and evolve what today is a process built around people. people and process and regulation that tries to keep us safe, tries to run our economy, and translate it into something that is more efficient, that takes advantage in evolution or revolution of technology, arguably, but does not hand out -- does not toss out the baby with the bath water. that is the challenge. whilst in a heavy user of a tablet device and everything else, i think that is kind of ho-hum. it is fabulous you can build a startup in your garage again, but the challenge i