rson in los angeles. good night. . [upbeat music] - ugh, guys, come on. you can't just throw trash on the ground. what, were you raised in a barn? no offense, beth. - i was born in a barn. i was raised in a home for peculiar children. ♪ yeah, so-- ♪ - what the? - carol wendelson. have you been extreme couponing again? - yes, but before you say anything, i got all of this for just 62¢. - mom, why isn't this stuff in your hoarding shed? - because my hoarding shed is full, and your dad said if i get a second one, i'll have to go see dr. jill again. - okay, well, you can't use the roof as your personal storage unit. - why? stosh the janitor gave me a key in exchange for my netflix password, except now all they recommend i'm such a wladyslavka. - okay, well, just can you get this crap off the roof before greg finds out? you're never going to use any of it anyway. ooh, are those venus razors? could i have one? - actually, they're "wenus" razors, but i got them for negative $40.00. [upbeat news broadcast music] ♪ [knocki