to put that number in rspective, i had 2505 ships under my command in the pacific fleet's. 20 percentose 220 ships will be the literal combat ships which basically have no offensive or defensive capability. we are going to be challenged where we show weakness. and let me give you an example. just today china announced effective january 1 they have authorized their paramilitary naval forces and their police to stop all vessels in the south china sea that they consider to be there illegally if they have not requested permission. this must be rejected in the most strongest terms. this hits at the core capability of international maritime law, freedom of transit, freedom of navigation rights. lou: we have not heard from th state department or the white house on that challenge. i do want to turn to one statement by -- you mentioned defense secretary leon panetta. he said the united states should have what he called an enduring presence in afghanistan to pursue the counter-terrorism effort, the long war that has become the fashion of the last to the ministrations. your thoughts as we wrap u