so this -- the rsq, you had a date there of the first original i don't know, can you bring it back onhe screen there? june, i believe of 2019, right? 17. excuse me. just so i understand, you had to repost this. can you explain what happened there? >> we received a good number of engineer civil and structural engineer response. we didn't receive as many from the technical field and also from the academic field. so our senior engineer in concert with our director determined that we needed a deeper pool, so that's why we went out again with the rfq. >> and the rfq is pretty much to the geotechnical -- >> and there was more outreach this time to associations for especially for the geotechnical side. we did have a deep pool for the structural review. >> so we have a highly returned rate on -- is there a certain quantity you need that you're satisfied? >> i don't believe so. it was just a matter of making sure that we had opportunity to draw from a pool that was more representative of the disciplines. it's not a quantifiable -- i don't know how many we have for each, i think there were four