about the most important thing - from monday to friday on rtar.ur new neighbor, and part-time, a new district police officer. please don't interfere with a fair and just investigation when you're missing. without explanation that it was honest, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love will overcome everything from april 29 on rtr, of course, you have to die on time. but how can we calculate in our mercantile-pragmatic age when it is time for grateful descendants to also realize in time who they have lost? these words belong to the brilliant actor and director, alexander shirvint. it seemed that he would always be with his subtle sense of humor, irony, wisdom and talents. he was called the king of phlegmatic humor because he could laugh. alexander shirvint passed away on march 15. i think that we, his descendants, acutely understand who we have lost. but he left a legacy of a sea of vivid quotes, aphorisms and unforgettable film images. are you cooking everything? yes, we’ll keep looking. i went to rehearsal. today in my