we had the s&l crisis, and the rtc. that is a manageable process.have your balance sheet, you can manage that. the second issue they have is they have to restructure what they are spending money on. they have to rebuild a new economy to replace the old economy. that is a challenge. that is like a heart transplant, a serious operation, and it tends to weaken them. like most heart transplants now you will get through it ok if , you have good surgeons. they had a bubble. you get the speculator and they get hyped up and then you have the bubble. they had that bubble. that bubble was a negative at the same time. all i am saying is, you went from a bull market and you are having a negative force coming in at the same time. you have those three negative forces. if you look at other economies, and analogous set of circumstances, that is a negative for economic activity. ok, so what comes next? we know the certain things that come next. my statement was that when we have the bubble burst, we shifted from one set of circumstances, two minuses and a plus, i th